Preparing Your Property for Tree Work

As a seasoned arborist, I have worked in many yards throughout Central Ohio.  I have realized that people who are hiring an arborist to perform work on their property truly care for their trees, are interested in the process, and would like to facilitate that work. Recently I have started to gain more perspective to this realization, I suppose that comes with age. 

Finally, at 36, becoming: a husband, dog/cat dad, and homeowner I can relate to the clients who are having contractors over to their property. My wife and I recently had the siding on our house replaced, the first big step in our adventure of homeownership. It was a process: we met with 3 different companies, picked the one we liked the best, got on their list, waited, waited, waited, and then (months later) the day came. Excited for their arrival and the installation of new siding, we both took work off that day to “be home.” We moved cars in the driveway and put the dogs up and then struggled to find the next thing to help the contractors. I was out of ideas but found myself “checking” on the progress. The siding went up fast, it was an impressive feat to someone who had never seen it. The guys knocked at the end of the day to say they were done and that the gutters were going to be finished the following day. I was at work when the gutters were installed, but that’s what got me thinking about the difference between being a client and a contractor.

As we knocked on the door that morning before performing the tree work, I thought about it from the client’s perspective. Chances are that client: requested a quote, accepted that quote, and have been anxiously awaiting the work to be performed…and looking to help the arborists / watch the arborists work. Having experienced both being a contracted arborist and being a client, I have compiled a shortlist of steps a client can do to make their arborists work easier.

  1. Ask questions if you have them – This eliminates confusion and the frustration that can follow. A lot of tree work is a balance of art and science, the arborist is trying to achieve a client’s objectives while considering the health of a tree.
  2. Point out obstacles – If your property has underground irrigation, leach fields, invisible dog fence, lawn art, etc… please point them out to the crew. If you are unable to be home, just let the sales representative or office manager know. 
  3. Help prepare work zone – Please be prepared to move vehicles out from under the tree or vehicles that are in the path of the debris to be removed from the tree. Moving patio furniture is definitely appreciated, but if its too big the arborists can most likely move it.
  4. Inform Neighbors – If the tree work scheduled is going to impact your neighbors, you can let them know the date it is scheduled. 
  5. Spectating – Wanting to observe work being done at your property is natural and tree work can be interesting. We just ask that you do so from a safe distance and let the crew members know if you need to enter the work zone.
  6. Additional Services – Adding or changing work as it is in progress happens, but can present challenges. The crew is often on a tightly scheduled workday that doesn’t allow for large additions of work, but would most likely be able to accommodate smaller (½ hour) additions. If at all possible, please make changes to your work order before the crew arrives via the sales representative or office manager. 
  7. Dog Waste: Picking up after your animal before the crew arrives is greatly appreciated
  8. Reviews – Our crews work hard and take pride in their work. If an individual or crew does an exceptional job feel free to email that to your contact at Joseph Tree and they will pass it along.